Google Shopping Is Coming to Ireland

Marketing Advice - Published on Updated on

Google Shopping is a retail platform that allows you to search and compare products, in terms of their price, location and availability in both Ireland and abroad. The platform was originally scheduled to launch in Ireland in 2014, and will soon be available for public use following final testing. While Ireland is still on the waiting list, the platform is currently available in 23 countries including France, Germany, UK, Russia, and India.

Ecommerce in Ireland

Google is the starting point for many shoppers. As of today, Google remains the most popular search engine in Ireland. In 2014 Irish customers spent €3.8m online every minute, a total of €28.4billion in a year. It is believed that once Google Shopping finds its place in Ireland, e-commerce will flourish even more.

How Does Google Shopping Work?

The relevant product information is entered into Google’s search bar. Following this, a photo of the product plus the price and retailer details are indicated. This is known as Product Listing Ads (PLAs). Once you click on the product, you are brought to the online shop of the retailer. Alternatively, you can choose to go to the Google site and continue browsing and comparing prices.

Merchants only pay for the times that the customer lands on their website by clicking on their ad. This is known as cost-per-click (CPC). Feeds are submitted through two accounts: AdWords and Merchant Center.

Pros/Cons of Google Shopping (PLAs)


  • More product focused

  • More relative in terms of price, location, availability

  • Increased website traffic and higher click-through-rates (CTR)

  • Powerful reporting and competitive data metrics

  • Marketing advantages for businesses


  • Price Competitive


No doubt once launched, Google Shopping will greatly benefit both the Irish customer and the retailer. Retailers can start preparing for Google Shopping by creating Adwords and Google Merchant Centre accounts and their relevant PLAs.