Content Ideas for E-Newsletters

Marketing Advice - 11.05.16

You might have started your email campaign and seen a steady stream of subscribers. Yet you’re not sure what content they are looking for. Feel like you don’t know how to make your subscribers feel special? Here’s a quick guide on what types of content might help you keep your subscribers from unsubscribing and provide them with valuable information. After all, email marketing is far from dead.

Content You’re Proud Of

This is where you show your subscribers the work that you’re proud of. Whether it is the latest projects you’ve finished, case studies or your company news. It doesn’t always have to be serious stuff either. The goal here is to make your email audience feel special and exclusive.

Content You Want to Be Shared

Do you spend a lot of time looking for news to see what’s new in your industry or just generally cool stuff on the internet? If the content is relevant to your business, it could also be relevant to your subscribers. Be a curator of your users and feed the latest news and insights from your industry with your own opinion or slant.

Content You Already Have

Does your business already have tonnes of content created? It doesn’t matter whether this content is in a form of a blog post, infographic or even your business’ showreel. Send it to your subscribers and let them check it out. Together Digital writes blog posts every week. The following week, we use the newsletter to showcase our latest digital marketing tips and tricks. If you’re interested in seeing what it looks like, subscribe here.

Reward Loyalty

Your users took the time to sign up so it’s always a good idea to give them something back. Make them feel special by offering exclusive discounts, invitations to events, giving them ‘First-to-know’ info, or competitions. Don’t give your subscribers a reason to unsubscribe.

Other Things to Keep in Mind

Make sure you have produced a template for your newsletter. This way you’ll stay consistent and your subscribers will know where to go once you’ve sent them the newsletter. Don’t forget to add some call-to-action buttons on the template. Whether it is in the form of a ‘call us’ button or even social media button, make sure to have them. Finally, be consistent with the timing of your newsletter. Set a date for when you will send it out. Schedule them if it makes it easier for you. And whatever you do, don’t bombard them with info or with poor content. Unsubscribe is only a click away.


The most important thing to keep in mind when it comes to email campaigns is to be consistent! Don’t ask your subscribers to sign-up for your newsletter and then keep them waiting. They signed up for a reason so make it worth their time. If you’re still unsure about the benefits of email campaigns or don’t know where to start, check out our e-mail marketing page.