Best Practices for Sending Email Marketing Campaigns

Marketing Advice - Published on Updated on

This short blog explores email marketing guidelines and how we can help you come across as more authentic in your content.

Many companies were built on email campaigns alone, so never underestimate the power of an email and how this form of direct marketing will help your business succeed.

Professional, but Unique

  • Multivariate Testing allows testing for up to eight campaigns with varied subject lines, from names, content, and send times simultaneously to see which approach works best for boosting open rates and click rates.

  • A/B Testing lets you divide a subscriber list and send one variation of a newsletter to one group and a different one to another group of subscribers. Once the two newsletters have been sent see which one has the highest open rate and click-through rate and send that to any remaining subscribers. E.g. You can send Email A to 25% of subscribers and Email B to another 25% of subscribers, the winning email can then be sent to the remaining 50%

Make sure to always keep the subject line honest and true to the content in the email. Another important detail is to offer an easy opt-out for the person receiving the email such as an “unsubscribe” button. You do not want users to feel trapped by your email campaigns because that will give them a negative association with your business.

Email Timing

  • Time of the day – Research shows that 53% of emails are opened during normal business hours, between 9 am - 5 pm. Email activity hits its stride between 9 am - 11 am. Also, research shows that 24% of emails are opened after work hours between 6 pm - 11 pm when people are commuting from work.

Email Frequency


  • Send Authenticated Emails: emails that fail authentication will most likely be sent to spam folder. Most email services such as Outlook, Gmail and Yahoo use authentication to protect their users from unwanted mail. You will need to authorise your Email Service Provider (ESPs) to send on your behalf. You can do this by modifying the DNS records associated with a domain name you own. From then on any email sent through Campaign Monitor, MailChimp etc is verified as coming from you.

Also, remember to consider your users. The vast majority of consumers check their emails on their phones so it is very important to make sure to have the email campaign optimised for mobile devices.

What Not To Do 

If you would like advice on how to establish email guidelines for your company or are interested in how email marketing can grow your business get in touch with us. We are here to help!